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Monday, July 11, 2011

Article: New GAO Report: Social Security Taxpayer Statements Suspended

After rummaging through my pile of snail mail for the umpteenth time, there just seemed to be something missing.  Where was my statement of earnings and projected benefits from the Social Security Administration?  Over the past ten or years or so, I have enjoyed reading it, looking over the annual income totals, remembering the ups and downs associated with a particular year.  And it was always fun to see the projected retirement benefit as I dreamed of my retirement years, truly a distant dream, but a dream nevertheless.  It also has served as a reminder to save.
With my audit background, I enjoy reading audit reports believe it or not.  I did a little research and found out that my SS earnings statement wasn't lost after all.  According to the Government Accountability Office, it was a budget cut without any notice that I can find.  Here are some alternative sources of the information for any retiree want-to-be who also likes to dream or worry.  Link to Melanie Hundley's article on suite101.com.

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