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Port Townsend Leader Newspaper Article.
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Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Article: Milk, Glorious Milk
New research heralds the amazing health benefits of milk
By Melanie Hundley
Photo credit: Ambro.
A most refreshing article on the medical research of mammalian milk caught my attention recently. And I found Dr. Darewicz, Professor and Chair, from the University of Warmia and Mazury very helpful as I gathered more information on her team's research efforts. Here is a link to the review posted on Suite 101 online magazine.
For more information on this topic, also consider:


By Melanie Hundley
Photo credit: Ambro.

For more information on this topic, also consider:
Friday, August 19, 2011
Article: 2011 Research: Do Girls With Autistic Traits Bloom Later?
July 19, 2011. An autism-related article is coming out in the August issue of the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders that looks at the average age of first menses (menarche) for girls who demonstrate autistic-like behaviors. Special thanks to Dr. Andrew J.O. Whitehouse, University of Western Australia, who provided me with additional information to support this review. Read at: Link to article by Melanie Hundley on www.suite101.com.
For more information, consider:
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Do Indian Plants and Spices Hold Future Secrets for Diabetes Medication?
2011 scientific researchers test Indian culinary plants, spices, and herbs for anti-diabetic properties
By Melanie Hundley
Diabetics are usually very familiar with the carbohydrate load of their food. They are trained to analyze their blood sugar levels after eating specific foods or combinations of foods so they can predict the impact to their blood. This may be said of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics.
As they perform the ritual of eating and then testing their blood, diabetics become aware that some foods move more slowly through the digestion and absorption process. Diabetic education may encourage patients to seek nutritionally rich foods that digest more slowly and do not cause a high spike or long period of rise in the blood sugar level which demands a high insulin response. That is one reason foods containing certain levels of sugar or carbohydrates may be discouraged or perhaps combinations of some lower glycemic foods may be more considered advantageous.
As a result, diabetics are often looking for the "right foods" for their body's digestive and insulin response. Meanwhile, certain medications have been derived to assist with reducing hyperglycaemia (elevated blood sugar) or mimicking insulin.
A very interesting research article is coming out in the December 2011 issue of Food Chemistry
Monday, August 15, 2011
What We Should Know About Factor V Leiden
Research discusses whether more people should be tested for FVL genetic blood clotting mutation
By Melanie Hundley
Are you familiar with Factor V Leiden (FAK-tur five LIDE-n)? Or "FVL?" Women, especially those who are not familiar with this genetic condition, those planning pregnancy or considering oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy, and those who have a family history of unexplained episodes of forming blood clots, may wish to discuss this with their physician. Men's health may be impacted, too.
However, some physicians may appear hesitant to cooperate with testing because these days it seems to take an act of Congress or Parliament to get a non-standard blood test approved for payment. The blood test is not cheap, but for some, it may offer answers to painful questions that have gone unanswered for years or even save a life.
What is Factor V Leiden?
According to the Mayo Clinic website, Factor V Leiden (FVL) is a "common" genetic mutation. It is
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Research Bench Featured
Thanks to the Port Townsend Leader who featured the Research Bench's little sister blog under their Columns header online today. :-)
Monday, August 8, 2011
Article: New Research: Police Work and Autism
An abstract of a new research article coming out in September coupled autism and police work. Intrigued, I contacted one of the authors (Jones) and was very pleased with her willingness to share a bit of info. Link to article on www.suite101.com by Melanie Hundley.
For Men: Information For Future Fathers
By Melanie Hundley
A new research article appeared in the June 2011 issue of Human & Experimental Toxicology that may be of interest to men who want to be fathers. A group of researchers, Pant et al, in New Delhi analyzed the “environmental and experimental exposure of phthalate esters” to human sperm. In this review, we will learn more about phthalates (THAL-ates), look at their study, and see their results.
What Are Phthalates?
According to Pant and the research team, phthalates are chemical additives that may be used to increase flexibility in some manufactured plastics. Phthalates are believed to be released from some
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Are We Drinking Our Way to Diabetes?
By Melanie Hundley
First, the word is out. Seems everywhere we look, even in the mirror, someone we know and care about has Type 2 diabetes or is dangerously close. And until someone has the very personal experience of walking out of a clinic clutching a new prescription for diabetes drugs, they possibly will ignore most anything researchers write about preventing diabetes, healthy diet, and exercise, me included. And for some living with Type 2 diabetes, the information still does not seem to register.
Now, let me encourage us.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
2011: Chasing Better Autism Data
By Melanie Hundley
A major consideration in any research project or audit is selecting the data to analyze. Once the data population is determined, various methods of sampling are used to spot trends and draw conclusions. Deciding where to obtain the data is critical to the quality, trust, and peer acceptance of the results.
That is why a new report coming out in the August 2011 issue of the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders should prove very interesting for future studies of autism. Lampi, Sourander, Brown, et al's excitement about the Finnish Prenatal Study of Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders (FIPS-A) appears justified. Having a comprehensive collection of medical data together with blood samples sounds wonderful for any such research.
Lampi and the other researchers are affiliated with the University of Turku, Columbia University, or the National Institute of Health and Welfare in Finland. I will reference the team as Lampi et al in this article for brevity.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Article: New Research: Autism and Vaccines
I spied a new research abstract coming out in September about autism and thimerosal, a component in some childhood vaccines. See also FDA link in post for updated U.S. vaccine list. Link to article on www.suite101.com by Melanie Hundley.
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