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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Article: Milk, Glorious Milk

New research heralds the amazing health benefits of milk

By Melanie Hundley
Photo credit: Ambro.

A most refreshing article on the medical research of mammalian milk caught my attention recently.  And I found Dr. Darewicz, Professor and Chair, from the University of Warmia and Mazury very helpful as I gathered more information on her team's research efforts.  Here is a link to the review posted on Suite 101 online magazine.

For more information on this topic, also consider:
Milk: Its Remarkable Contribution to Human Health and Well-BeingEat Your Vegetables! Drink Your Milk! (My Health)RThe Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk: Foreword by Martha Sears, RNMother Food: A Breastfeeding Diet Guide with Lactogenic Foods and Herbs - Build Milk Supply, Boost Immunity, Lift Depression, Detox, Lose Weight, Optimize a Baby's IQ, and Reduce Colic and Allergies 

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