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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Article: Beyond Metformin: When Are Doctors Intensifying Diabetes Treatment?

Dr. Alex Fu and a team of researchers reached into the belly of the mega-monster database collected by GE Centricity software in over 9000 doctor's offices and pulled out some information about treatment intensity in Type 2 diabetes.  Every diabetic who is diagnosed and told that they will "try metformin" for a while may wonder how long doctors typically allow monotherapy (just one med) before upping the ante with other or additional medications.  Thanks to Dr. Fu for sharing more info. with me. Read review of research article here: Link to review by Melanie Hundley on suite101.com; also appearing in Google News.

Please also consider:
MetforminA Patient's Guide to PCOS: Understanding--and Reversing--Polycystic Ovary SyndromeThe Low GI Guide to Living Well with PCOS (New Glucose Revolutions)Blood Sugar 101: What They Don't Tell You About DiabetesDr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars101 Tips For Improving Your Blood Sugar

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